Why were the very first homes totally natural ?
One of the most beautiful words in the english language is the words home gives us warmth , shelter and security . The very first home were probably caves , where early man built fire for warmth and and sought shelter form the weather as well as protection from wild animals . gradully , man started to make more complicated home using the the natural mateials around him.
In some places man used animal bones and skin to makes tents, IN other ,dwelling were made of feed.In the eastern mediterrnean pepole built huts of twigs ans stone while truf was used in many places in he northern Hemishphere . Mud and straw ,stone wood , and thach even ice and snow were some of the meterieal s used . Though the meterieal used different was coman _the first homes were built of meterial that were totaly natural.
Why was today s living room called a parlour in early british homes ?
The world parlour which means to speaks .In the middile ages in britain the parlour was a room on the ground floor where guests were entertained . In other words, it was a place where one "spokes" with guest.
The parlour was a formaul romm where the faimly , s best furnishing,s were arranged .In victorian times, the prisded over by the mitress of the house . From here she maned the household entertained close friend grathered the faimly together in the evinning , and spent many hours in homemarking . Today , the parlour has been replaced by what is called the living room , in modern homes.
ThomasAalva Edison
Why is the thomas alva edision consider to be the invetor of the electric bulb ?
The actual invetor of the very first electric lighting was (Humphrery Davy) . In 1809 , he inveted the orignal source of electrical lighting . Since his invention , many other men had set out to improve this idea and invent their own from of the elactrical lighting .
story of cooking
The story of cooking
Why do we say that nature privided the first tha cooking pots ?
When did man start cooking ?
No one really knowns . Early man may first have tasted roast meat by accident When the flesh of a beast killed in a froest fire was found to be tastier and easiar to chew than the raw meat . As man's hunting and fishing skills improved he added varitty to his diet . Meat and tough vegetables were barked on hot stones while pointed sticks were used to spear pieces of meat.
The very first cooking vessels were probably the shell of molusks . The made for very handy heatproof container ;Stomach used to hold meat . They were hung over flames , and the meat got cooking inside them.
Cooking pots were faishioned from stone in mesopotamia as early as 3500B.C, While the japanese had allready larned to faishion pots from clay . Rushes and payrus were also made fine unitisils. Around 1000 B.C.,metal cooking pots came into china . Today of course , cookwere is made from many diffrent kinds of material , but the very first cooking untensile were provided by mother nature herself;